Guidelines and Mission
RamTell, Inc. is actively engaged in providing financial support and stewardship primarily to Catholic formation, education and outreach. Incorporated in 1994, RamTell was established to help protect human life, from conception to natural death, enhance the lives of seniors, strengthen traditional family values and advance the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Mission Statement
Providing engaged, intentional and committed stewardship to organizations and needs rooted in Christian principles with a predominant focus on Catholic organizations, values and activities.
Vision Statement
RamTell favors Catholic causes because it believes the Catholic institution is an exemplary organization that will be true to its original beliefs over the next 1000 years. We are committed to the principle that all people are created in the image of God. We seek to support and partner with organizations that are using new and created ways to have profound and long-term impact on those they serve.
Examples of Charities Supported:
(C) RamTell, Inc.